Festival season is almost here which means the plethora of glitter, amazing music, endless summer nights, losing your favorite sunglasses, living in your ‘favorite top’ season is upon us. Maybe some highlights? Maybe a new tattoo? It’s festival time, anything could happen.
Along with festival season, we welcome the hard to ignore Instagram posts of tons of gorgeous girls and boys, the fear of missing out, (FOMO), and the relentless addiction to comparing yourself to everyone whom you think looks better you or is having more fun than you. Whether it’s the summer body you wish you had, or the outfits you wish you had the courage to wear- festivals are a place for the bold to be even bolder, and sometimes for those of us who are on our phones watching it happen through a screen, it’s intimidating.
Sometimes it’s not even the clothing that intimidates us, more so, the shrine of photos decorating your feed with the “best night ever”, “the best date ever”, “the best friends ever”, that makes you feel like you’re not living right if you’re not experiencing the same types of memories as other people.
Well, my Coachella lovers and Coachella haters; this is where I stand on all things festival season.
If you’re one of those free spirits where more is more, then please take this season to address every detail of your style personality.
Go all out.
Confuse the locals.
Wear the leather, the fringe, the glitter, the boots, the buckles, the suede, the velvet, the pastels, WHENEVER you want.
And stay committed to what personifies you.
If it intimidates you to wear things you think look better on other people, if you think your body doesn’t look like the posts you see on social media, then I implore you to try even harder to make time to love yourself.
Please break those lies, those boundaries that say you can only have this if you look a certain way.
-Confidence is recognizing that you are worth it at every stage of your life and in every stage of yourself..-
A rose didn’t become a rose the second it bloomed; it was always a rose even as a seed, but only to those who knew.
Know that you are a ROSE… In all stages of your transformation.
Now my least favorite part of festival season is personally the FOMO.
The idea that our lives have to be as glamorous as what we see on Instagram is a standard that no one can live up to and we are all feeling unfulfilled the moment we realize we can’t. That unfulfilled sensation I’m talking about, we all know it. It lingers after a “like” it scavengers after us to keep scrolling. And it defeats our joy.
The most glamorous version of your life is the version where you are LIVING truly & unapologetically as yourself. Only then are you actually living?
Now that’s worth posting about.
And that’s worth concerning yourself with.
So, whether you’re going to be camping in Gucci at Coachella this year, or dripping in glitter at Bonaroo, or soaking up some much needed you time, just remember that you owe it to yourself to personify all that makes you worth knowing. That’s what festival season is about. It’s about setting your personality free in all its glory. It’s about dancing with dreams, laughing till it hurts, and not caring what anyone thinks you should look like. Body positivity and all. From your fashion to your fantasies, live out your ideals this summer, and only live up to the expectations of your best self.
By: MADISON LOVELY @madisonroselovely