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Clothes that make you feel good
Free Shipping on Orders $100+
Clothes that make you feel good

January Blues

In case the whole celebration, fireworks, and glitter in the streets about a week ago didn’t tip you off, it’s a new year! The new year always brings resolutions and promises...

In case the whole celebration, fireworks, and glitter in the streets about a week ago didn’t tip you off, it’s a new year!

The new year always brings resolutions and promises like “I’m going to go to the gym 10 times a week, stop drinking coffee, ONLY WATER, find my center, live above the drama, etc..” and while those are all noble ambitions albeit somewhat unrealistic, what the new year is really echoing is our need for change. Our desire as humans too, “start tomorrow fresh with no mistakes in it yet” (Anne Shirley, Anne of Green Gables).

As a teenager, when I needed change and I couldn’t just wiggle my nose to drop 10 lbs  (I still can’t do this by the way), my first impulse was always to die my hair. As an adult, my need for change has manifested in other ways. With the start of a new year, I like to start with transitioning my style. Going into the end of the year, everything is about Fall colors. Colors are deeper and richer. Everything feels cuddly like Christmas. Then January hits and suddenly, despite the cold, everything feels light and fluffy like whipped cream on waffles. We’re all looking towards spring even though it’ll be cold off and on until the end of April. So here’s my official tips for dressing for transition weather:

1. Pantone’s Color of the Year 2019 is Living Coral.

Start incorporating brighter colors into your wardrobe. Brighter doesn’t always mean literally bright, you can also pick pastels. Picking spring colors can help you get in the warmer weather mindset even if it’s still 20 degrees outside (literally as I write this.)

2. Florals? for Spring? How original.

Okay, but hear me out. It’s SPRING! Florals make sense. Here are some of my favorites:

Floral Collections

3.  No Low Riders

    This is my personal opinion, but like I want everyone to take it as gospel because I feel v strong about this! So I read the trend report for 2019 and word on the glitter grapevine is that LOW rise jeans are on the rise this season to be coming back in style. While I will give any trend a go, low rise jeans get a hard pass from me mainly because I was alive the first time the trend came around in the early 2000s and even then something about living on the edge of what would OR would not happen if I needed to pick something  up was just “too much” living on the edge for  me.

    So I’m sticking with high- waisted pants and you can too! Here is why it’s great for spring: The higher the waist the shorter the crop top. BOOM! Spring apparel that when paired with a nice jacket with keep you both warm and looking forward to warmer weather!


TLDR: Say, “no” to low rise jeans. Vote high-waisted pants & crop tops 4EVER.

Do you have transition weather tips? Share them in the comments below!


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