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Clothes that make you feel good
Free Shipping on Orders $100+
Clothes that make you feel good

A Love Letter to our Birmingham Clients

Dear Friends, Brittany here; I'm one of the founding sisters at MG. Born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama. I grew up shopping at the Riverchase Galleria and the Summit. Never...

Dear Friends,

Brittany here; I'm one of the founding sisters at MG. Born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama. I grew up shopping at the Riverchase Galleria and the Summit. Never in a million years would I expect to operate clothing shops in both locations. Little Brittany would be amazed if I told her. She'd be so excited and proud. 


"Wherever you may go, Life is a beautiful thing. Life is like a passing season. It comes and goes. Whatever may come, it's better to enjoy the changing seasons." -Diana Rose Morcilla


Anna, Brandon, and I opened the first Molly Green store in Homewood, Al, in 2011. We honestly had no idea what we were getting into. We just jumped right in. Sourcing things we loved, learning new platforms, and making friends. So many generous people helped us along the way, especially through those early years. Jenny, Kelly, Graham, Jade, Sandra, Lillis, Laura, Alea, Casey, SP, Wade, Nikki, Trina, Morgs, Rebecca, Elysabeth. So many others. I could never give enough thanks. They helped us with their hands and hearts. Blood, sweat, and too many tears went into those early days. We moved five times into new locations and renovated at least 3 spaces that I can recall. And with every move, we had friends, family, and a team of kind-hearted MG fans to get us where we were going. We are endlessly grateful for our precious customers and friends who have shown up for us over the past decade and cheered us on as we built our business. Our start in Birmingham made way for all the opportunities ahead. We would never be where we are today without our clients, friends, and family in B'ham. We thank you. We love you. 


Molly Green has grown more extensive and more beautiful than I ever expected. We have almost 60 teammates working on a shared vision. All of us are here to build wardrobes and relationships. To provide exceptional customer service, stay curious about our process, and constantly cultivate our passion for fashion. Through the years, Molly Green has seen varying successes and failures. IYKYK. We've opened in locations we shouldn't have and taken on more than we could manage. And I'll never forget the time we bought far too much velvet. But even though we've made mistakes, we've consistently failed to fail. We've stuck together and worked through our challenges. I'm proud of our team and all that they have accomplished. We've grown our presence in Nashville with 4 thriving locations. Our website and social media presence are continually increasing. We're making friends and outfits and having a lot of fun! 


But Brittany...what's the point of this email...Sorry, I'm getting there. I have some big news to share; with heavy hearts, we will close our Birmingham location at the end of February. This was a difficult decision to make. Our struggle with low foot traffic and overall sales ultimately sealed the deal. Our team is repeatedly told, "oh, this was my favorite store; we thought you guys closed" (after we moved out of the Riverchase Galleria in 2018). It's been a tough go. We are looking for the right place to call home in the Ham...but we haven't found it yet. We don't want to leave the Birmingham market. But, unfortunately, this is the best option for now. Not necessarily goodbye; hopefully, see ya later!


And, if you have time to visit the team before the end of the month, there are some big deals to shop from. The whole store is discounted by up to 75% off. So, please come by, hug our neck, and take some cute (cheap) merchandise home! 


We would love to continue to provide you with incredible wardrobe pieces from season to season, so stay tuned and up to date through text and email! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook. And of course, we encourage you to help us grow our online presence by shopping with us there... shop online!


If you have time, we've created a quick survey. Fill out our questionnaire here.


We would certainly appreciate reading your thoughts! 


Our Birmingham location is hands down one of my favorite store designs. The store is beautiful and full of house plants, furry walls, globe lights, and the prettiest tie-dye mural. A few years back, Sarah Peyton Green shot some lovely photos for us in the space. I'm so happy to have these photos to reflect on how much beauty and light we have created. Please enjoy these photos of our Summit location circa Fall 2019.


my best,



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